Homepage of the 2nd Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen - 2022

Site Content:

Theses - 2022

Bachelor theses
Tom Erpelding
"Towards proximity effects in twisted bilayer graphene TMD heterostructures"
Anton Peters
"Photon assisted tunneling in a bilayer graphene double quantum dot"
Emma Dresse
"Optical characterization of strain in graphene induced by gold pillars"
Hristiyana Kyoseva
"Identification, Abundance and Stability of Tetralayer Graphene Stacking Orders"
Lars Pütz
"Quantum transport in 2D heterostructures in moiré superlattices"
Alexander Polkowski
"Dielectric screening of many-body states in WS2 at low temperature"

Master theses
David Tebbe
"Dielectric screening for tailoring the opto-electronic properties of 2D semiconductors"

PhD theses
Manfred Ersfeld
"Lifetimes of free valley states in monolayers of WSe2, MoSe2 and their heterostructures"
Luca Banszerus
"Gate-defined quantum dots in bilayer graphene"