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Next talk on Tuesday in 2 days by David Alexander Darek Emmerich.
News 25.02.2025
Timo Bißwanger successfully defended his PhD thesis
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News 14.02.2025
New publication: Super-resolution imaging of nanoscale inhomogeneities in hBN-covered and encapsulated few-layer graphene
Adv. Sci. 18, 2409039 (2025) Encapsulating few-layer graphene (FLG) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) can cause nanoscale inhomogeneities in the FLG, including changes in stacking domains and topographic defects. Due to the diffraction limit, characterizing these inhomogeneities is challenging. Recently, the visualization of stacking domains in encapsulated four-layer graphene (4LG) has been demonstrated with phonon polariton (PhP)-assisted near-field imaging. However, the underlying coupling mechanism and ability to image subdiffractional-sized inhomogeneities remain unknown. Here, direct replicas and magnified images of subdiffractional-sized inhomogeneities in hBN-covered trilayer graphene (TLG) and encapsulated 4LG, enabled by the hyperlensing effect, are retrieved. This hyperlensing effect is mediated by hBN's hyperbolic PhP that couple to the FLG's plasmon polaritons. Using near-field microscopy, the coupling is identified by determining the polariton dispersion in hBN-covered TLG to be stacking-dependent. This work demonstrates super-resolution and magnified imaging of inhomogeneities, paving the way for the realization of homogeneous encapsulated FLG transport samples to study correlated physics.