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News 20.09.2023

New publication: Impact of competing energy scales on the shell-filling sequence in elliptic bilayer graphene quantum dots


Phys. Rev. B 108, 125128 (2023)
We report on a detailed investigation of the shell-filling sequence in electrostatically defined elliptic bilayer graphene quantum dots (QDs) in the regime of low charge carrier occupation, N≤12, by means of magnetotransport spectroscopy and numerical calculations. We show the necessity of including both short-range electron-electron interaction and wave-function-dependent valley g-factors for understanding the overall fourfold shell-filling sequence. These factors lead to an additional energy splitting at half filling of each orbital state and different energy shifts in out-of-plane magnetic fields. Analysis of 31 different bilayer graphene (BLG) QDs reveals that both valley g-factor and electron-electron interaction-induced energy splitting increase with decreasing QD size, validating theory. However, we find that the electrostatic charging energy of such gate-defined QDs does not correlate consistently with their size, indicating complex electrostatics. These findings offer significant insights for future BLG QD devices and circuit designs.

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