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News 30.06.2022

New publication: Spin relaxation in a single-electron graphene quantum dot


Nat. Commun. 13, 3637 (2022)
The relaxation time of a single-electron spin is an important parameter for solid-state spin qubits, as it directly limits the lifetime of the encoded information. Thanks to the low spin-orbit interaction and low hyperfine coupling, graphene and bilayer graphene (BLG) have long been considered promising platforms for spin qubits. Only recently, it has become possible to control single-electrons in BLG quantum dots (QDs) and to understand their spin-valley texture, while the relaxation dynamics have remained mostly unexplored. Here, we report spin relaxation times (T1) of single-electron states in BLG QDs. Using pulsed-gate spectroscopy, we extract relaxation times exceeding 200 μs at a magnetic field of 1.9 T. The T1 values show a strong dependence on the spin splitting, promising even longer T1 at lower magnetic fields, where our measurements are limited by the signal-to-noise ratio. The relaxation times are more than two orders of magnitude larger than those previously reported for carbon-based QDs, suggesting that graphene is a potentially promising host material for scalable spin qubits.

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