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News 23.06.2022

New publication: CVD Bilayer Graphene Spin Valves with 26 μm Spin Diffusion Length at Room Temperature


Nano Lett. 22, 4949 (2022)
We present inverted spin-valve devices fabricated from CVD-grown bilayer graphene (BLG) that show more than a doubling in device performance at room temperature compared to state-of-the-art bilayer graphene spin valves. This is made possible by a polydimethylsiloxane droplet-assisted full-dry transfer technique that compensates for previous process drawbacks in device fabrication. Gate dependent Hanle measurements reveal spin lifetimes of up to 5.8 ns and a spin diffusion length of up to 26 μm at room temperature combined with a charge carrier mobility of about 24 000 cm2(Vs)−1 for the best device. Our results demonstrate that CVD-grown BLG shows equally good room temperature spin transport properties as both CVD-grown single-layer graphene and even exfoliated single-layer graphene.

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