Homepage of the 2nd Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen - Administrative and technical staff

Site Content:

List of administrative and technical staff

Phone numbers given in this list are internal direct dials to the respective office. If you call from outside the RWTH, please use a prefix.

Foto Beckers
Beckers, Joel

Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Dangela
Dangela, Beatrix
Secretary Institute 2A
dangela (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 C 308
Phone: -27055
Foto Dinslage
Dinslage, Paul
dinslage (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 A 331
Phone: -27098
Foto Duft
Duft, Eva, B.Sc.
Verwaltung Sekretariat
eva.duft (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28C301.2
Foto Feilbach
Feilbach, Sebastian
sebastian.feilbach (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Ferhatbegovic
Ferhatbegovic, Nermina
Administration Institute B and Quantum Technology Group
ferhatbegovic (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 C 310
Phone: -27016
Foto Feron
Feron, Robert
Mechanist CNC
robert.feron (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Funken
Funken, Fabian
f.funken (at) fz-juelich.de
Office: 26A303
Phone: -24457
Foto Geulen
Geulen, Guido
Technician, network administrator
guido.geulen (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 A 330
Phone: -27059
Lab: 28 A 319
Foto Hammers
Hammers, Helmut
Mechanist, CNC
helmut.hammers (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Harings
Harings, Moritz
Office: 26A303
Phone: -24457
Foto Heinen
Heinen, Marcel
marcel.heinen (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Mallmann
Mallmann, Aaron
aaron.mallmann (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28A326
Phone: -27116
Foto Mohr
Mohr, Sascha
Nitrogen liquefier
sascha.mohr (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Stickstoff
Phone: -27129
Foto Nagel
Nagel, Beate
Secretary Institute 2B and Quantum Technology Group
nagel (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 C 301.2
Phone: -27075
Foto Neubauer
Neubauer, Frank
Head of mechanical workshop
neubauer (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132/35
Foto Neycken
Neycken, Alice
Finanzkoordinatorin, Controlling
Office: 28 C 303
Phone: -24467
Foto Salz
Salz, Frank
Mechanist welding technology
frank.salz (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27132
Foto Schirra
Schirra, Joerg
Helium liquefier
joerg.schirra (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Heliumverf
Phone: -27130
Lab: Heliumverf
Lab phone: -27129
Foto Schmitz
Schmitz, Heinz-Willi
wschmitz (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Modulbau I ( Raum 004)
Phone: -25738
Foto Sous
Sous, Raoul
Deputy head of mechanical workshop, apprenticeship
raoul.sous (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: Werkstatt
Phone: -27134
Foto van Hove
van Hove, Lars
lars.van.hove (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 A 331
Phone: -27064
Foto Volmer Volmer, Frank, Dr.
Head of Electronics Workshop
volmer (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 A 328
Phone: -27068
Lab: 28 B 311


Our staff can be reached via phone

from inside the RWTH: use the listed 5-digit direct dial
from Aachen use a prefix: 80-(direct dial)
from Germany use a prefix: 0241-80-(direct dial)
from outside Germany use a prefix: +49-241-80-(direct dial)


Not all direct dials can be called directly from outside the RWTH (designated by the symbol °). Please contact our secretary's office for assistance (+49-241-80-27055).

Postal address of individual members:

Name of member
II. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen
52056 Aachen, Germany

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