Homepage of the 2nd Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen - Group Stampfer

Site Content:

Members of group Stampfer, 2nd Institute of Physics A

Phone numbers given in this list are internal direct dials to the respective office. If you call from outside the RWTH, please use a prefix.

Foto Anghel
Anghel, Roxana, M.Sc.
Master student
Roxana.Anghel (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B307
Phone: -27065
Lab: 28B006
Foto Beschoten Beschoten, Bernd, Dr.
Group leader
bernd.beschoten (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 A 332
Phone: -27096
Foto Csonka
Csonka, Szabolcs, Prof. Dr.
Visiting professor
csonka.szabolcs (at) ttk.bme.hu
Office: 28A329
Phone: -24455
Foto Dolleman Dolleman, Robin Joey, Dr.
dolleman (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 309
Phone: -27924
Foto Dreisbach
Dreisbach, Ida
Student. Hilfskraft
ida.dreisbach (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B306
Phone: -27087
Foto Dulisch
Dulisch, Hubert, M.Sc.
PhD student
Hubert.Dulisch (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 313
Phone: -20323
Foto Emmerich
Emmerich, David Alexander Darek, M.Sc.
PhD student
david.emmerich (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 312
Phone: -20310
Foto Emming
Emming, Joachim
Bachelor student
joachim.emming (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B312
Foto Güntherodt
Güntherodt, Gernot, Prof. Dr. emer.
gernot.guentherodt (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 C 306
Phone: -27056
Foto Hecker Hecker, Katrin, M.Sc.
PhD student
katrin.hecker (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 308
Phone: -27088
Foto Hellenkamp
Hellenkamp, Felix, B.Sc.
Master student
felix.hellenkamp (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B310
Foto Kevanashvili
Kevanashvili, Gela, B.Sc.
Master student
gela.kevanashvili (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B310
Foto Kuhn
Kuhn, Natalie, B.Sc.
Master student
natalie.kuhn (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B312
Phone: -20310
Foto Kurth
Kurth, Lars, B.Sc.
Master student
lars.kurth (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B311
Phone: -20309
Foto Mester
Mester, Lars, B.Sc.
Master student
lars.mester1 (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B307
Phone: -27065
Foto Noritzsch
Noritzsch, Jens, Dipl.-Phys.
PR Consultant phyphox
Office: -24454
Foto Ouaj Ouaj, Taoufiq, M.Sc.
PhD student
taoufiq.ouaj (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 311
Phone: -20309
Foto Pandey Pandey, Mrityunjay, Dr.
Foto Polkowski
Polkowski, Alexander, B.Sc.
Master student
alexander.polkowski (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B312
Phone: -20310
Foto Rothstein Rothstein, Alexander, M.Sc.
PhD student
alexander.rothstein (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 308
Phone: -27088
Foto Schmidt
Schmidt, Philipp, M.Sc.
PhD student
philipp.schmidt3 (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 311
Phone: -21395
Foto Singh
Singh, Ananya, M.Sc.
PhD student
Office: 28 B 309
Phone: -27924
Foto Sotgiu
Sotgiu, Simone, Dr.
simone.sotgiu (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28B309
Foto Staacks Staacks, Sebastian, Dr.
Research associate
staacks (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Website / CV
Office: 28 B 305
Phone: -24453
Foto Stampfer Stampfer, Christoph, Prof. Dr.
Head of institute 2A
stampfer (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Website / CV / Publications / Talks
Office: 28 C 307
Phone: -27094
Foto Steiner
Steiner, Corinne, M.Sc.
PhD student
corinne.steiner (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 308
Phone: -27088
Foto Tebbe Tebbe, David, M.Sc.
PhD student
david.tebbe (at) rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 312
Phone: -20310
Foto Tripathee
Tripathee, Gaurav, M.Sc.
softwear developer
gaurav (at) phyphox.org
Office: 28 B 305
Phone: -27086
Foto Volk Volk, Christian, Dr.
volk (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 313
Phone: -20323
Foto Waldecker Waldecker, Lutz, Dr.
waldecker (at) physik.rwth-aachen.de
Office: 28 B 313
Phone: -20323
Foto Yeganeh
Yeganeh, Mirzanejad, B.Sc.
Master student
yeganeh.mirzanejad (at) rwth-aachen.de .
Office: 28B307
Phone: -27065


Our staff can be reached via phone

from inside the RWTH: use the listed 5-digit direct dial
from Aachen use a prefix: 80-(direct dial)
from Germany use a prefix: 0241-80-(direct dial)
from outside Germany use a prefix: +49-241-80-(direct dial)


Not all direct dials can be called directly from outside the RWTH (designated by the symbol °). Please contact our secretary's office for assistance (+49-241-80-27055).

Postal address of individual members:

Name of member
II. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen
52056 Aachen, Germany

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